Every parent knows the feeling: You open a diaper for the eleventy-hundredth time today, expecting nothing but the usual, buuuuuut your little one’s little tush is suddenly glowing bright red.
Cue the parental guilt, right?
Listen, moms and dads: Diaper rash happens. Sometimes, all it takes is one extra long nap (yay!) or your little one trying a new food (fun!). So don’t beat yourself up.
Instead, take a deep breath and say, out loud, “Keeping a tiny human fed, clothed, and clean is exhausting, but I’m doin’ it!” Then read the rest of this post for some simple tips to help heal and even (mostly) prevent diaper rash in the future.
What is Diaper Rash?
Diaper rash appears as pink or red splotches on babies’ diaper area, including their bum, genitals, and/or thighs. Mild cases don’t cause much discomfort, but more severe diaper rashes can be quite painful.
The key to keeping your little one comfy is to be vigilant at the first signs of a diaper rash so you can heal it up before it gets worse.
What Causes Diaper Rash?
Babies’ skin is super sensitive, so that tender area can get irritated by all sorts of things. Knowing common diaper rash culprits can help you treat it and prevent it.
The most common cause of diaper rash is chafing—wet diapers rubbing against tender skin. Remember what your thighs felt like after walking around a theme park all day, post-log flume? That’s basically the same thing as diaper rash.
The acids from pee and poo against your baby’s skin could also be to blame, especially if your little one recently tried a new food. If you notice particular foods seem to cause diaper rash flare-ups, check in with your pediatrician.
Sometimes diapers that are too tight can trap moisture right up against your baby’s skin and/or create additional friction.
Less common causes of diaper rash include infections and antibiotics. Antibiotics, whether taken by the baby or passed along through breast milk, can cause a yeast rash. Yeast diaper rashes are trickier to treat and might require a visit to the pediatrician. If you see a diaper rash with pimples, blisters, pus, or scaly skin, then it’s likely a yeast rash.
11 Tips for Preventing and Treating Diaper Rash
Although it’s impossible to completely prevent all diaper rashes forever and always, you can take some precautions to ensure they’re few, far between, and less extreme.
Wash up. Especially if your little one has an active rash, it’s a good idea to wash your hands before every diaper change. If you forget to stop by the sink on the way to the changing table, no worries: Use a wipe!
Be quick. As parents, sometimes we take a cursory feel of the diaper, determine it’s not tooooooo squishy, and decide to give it a few more minutes. (We all know another pee is coming anyway.) If you’ve done this, congratulations: You’re a normal parent! But when your little one has a diaper rash, those extra minutes may only make things worse. So change every wet or dirty diaper as soon as you notice it.
Pat, pat, pat. Be gentle when wiping your baby’s bottom—more dabbing, less rubbing. Then pat their little bum with a soft cloth, and wait until it’s completely dry before closing up the fresh diaper.
Choose wipes wisely. Avoid using alcohol-based wipes, as they can sting and dry out the skin. Your best bet are wipes moistened with only water.
Free the booty. Try giving your baby a little bit of freedom from their diaper to let everything air out. I know, I know: Like you need more laundry to deal with? If your baby can sit up on their own, a (clean) plastic laundry basket with a solid bottom is a fun place to play and will contain any messes.
Move on up. Notice when it’s time to size up on your diapers. Telltale signs are red marks around the legs from the elastic, or a sudden uptick in leaks and blowouts. Even if your baby isn’t quite ready for the next size diaper, put them in the next size up anyway—just for a few days—to help the rash clear.
Set your alarm. Does your baby sleep more than a few hours at a time during the night? Amazing! But if they have an active diaper rash, those extra zzzz’s can spell trouble. So, set your alarm and add an extra change or two overnight to speed healing. Yes, it’s a pain in the… bum. But so is a lingering diaper rash.
Keep it clean. During baths, wash the area gently with a mild, all-natural cleanser. Don’t use any synthetic ingredients or added fragrances, which can irritate their already tender skin.
Skip the medicine cabinet. Avoid using medicated creams formulated for adults. They’re too harsh for babies’ skin.
Use clean laundry soap. If you use cloth diapers, avoid laundry soaps and softeners containing artificial fragrances and other irritants. Your baby’s tender tush will be grateful!
Protect that tushie. A high-quality, all-natural diaper rash cream offers your best chance at clearing diaper rashes quickly and preventing new ones.
Chelsey Wang Diaper Crème
Surprisingly, many diaper creams contain ingredients too harsh for babies’ delicate skin. Plus, they’re sticky and messy—and the last thing you need during diaper changes is another mess. Besides, rubbing at stubborn creams to get them off can further irritate the skin.
Chelsey Wang Diaper Crème is made with 100% pure ingredients, so you know it’s safe for your baby’s most delicate areas. It’s packed with coconut oil, which makes it silky smooth and easy to use, and shea butter and skin-soothing coconut oil provide relief in a hurry. And, of course, we include time-tested zinc oxide to protect that little tush from excess moisture.
When to Call Your Pediatrician
Most diaper rashes heal up after a few days as long as you’re keeping the area clean, dry, and slathered with a good rash cream. But talk to your pediatrician if you notice any of these:
Pus or discharge
A rash lasting more than three days
A rash that gets worse after you try to treat it
You’ve Got This, Mom and Dad
The first couple of times a diaper rash rears its ugly head, it can be alarming. But with a few quick, easy interventions you’ll quickly start feeling like the Rashmaster Extraordinaire.
This information is not medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your child’s skin and before changing anything about their care.